When you partner with DSC, you place a trust in us that we work tirelessly to protect. While Thanksgiving gives us a great opportunity to thank you for that vote of confidence, we hope you know how much we cherish your friendship and your business every day of every year.
Markets may fluctuate, but friendship, workmanship and commitment to service remain. In the spirit of the season, we thank you for allowing us to share those gifts with you and for the opportunity to further share our good fortune with those in need in our community. It is truly an honor.
May you have a tremendous Thanksgiving!
With gratitude,
Jerry Meek and Team DSC®
On November 9, the Phoenix Business Journal honored local companies that go above and beyond to support their employees’ philanthropic efforts. DSC is proud to be listed among those companies—in our case, in the “Most Outstanding Company Project” category for work at the Phoenix Dream Center.
The Phoenix Dream Center (PDC) provides basic needs like food, shelter, clothing and job training for at-risk youth, homeless and needy families. When PDC relocated to a new facility, it was apparent that a dilapidated kitchen would need total renovation to fulfill the organization’s mission. DSC took on the challenge to design, plan and execute the renovation, but we were not alone!
The success of this project centered on no less than 1,600 volunteer hours and the generous support of more than 650 hours from Team DSC® and 950 hours from vendors and subcontractors, who with their time, donations and discounts reduced the total project cost more than $100,000. For DSC’s Doug Shadd, weekend and clean-up duty at PDC meant quality time with his wife and two daughters, and an opportunity to share the value of community service with his family. “It was not about a hand out. It was about a hand up to a group that was taking steps to put their lives back together,” said DSC President Jerry Meek.
Thanks to that “hand up,” today’s PDC kitchen has grown from 1,200 to 4,000 square feet, increased its output from 5,000 to 9,000 meals per week and more than doubled the capacity of trainees in its critical job training program. On top of its normal 9,000 weekly meals, the Phoenix Dream Center this Thanksgiving will also serve an additional 3,000 meals on site and 1,200 to 1,500 meals will be delivered to parks and other locations.
We are exceedingly proud of the Phoenix Dream Center, Team DSC® and the other 2010 Heart of Business honorees. Please read more about these winners and the groups that they serve, and do what you can to encourage their efforts!
The last few months have been a lot of fun at DSC, and not just because of our shared love of good times. Rather, we’ve tackled a major website update and created two new company e-Brochures, and the results have been exciting.
The process encouraged us to slow down and appreciate the tremendous projects that we (yes, DSC and YOU!) have created through more than three decades of hard work and collaboration. Check out our new DSC Legacy page to see some of these amazing achievements.
We’ve also been newly reminded of our history, both as a three-generation family company and as a business that has wrapped a tremendously talented staff into its narrative. Curious what your superintendent’s favorite movie is? Click on the new Team DSC® Page and see our creative and dedicated experts like you’ve never seen them before! While you’re there, learn about how DSC is Growing Green and what customers have said about us in their much-appreciated Testimonials.
Finally, check out our new residential and commercial e-Brochures. These pieces allow us to avoid paper printing and, as a result, become increasingly environmentally friendly with our outreach. We think this is very cool.
As always, we welcome your thoughts and any feedback on how we can best serve you. In the meantime, we hope you’ll bookmark our website and save our residential and commercial e-Brochures to your computer, then share our company information
with clients and friends as opportunities arise. We would love the chance to serve them with Team DSC® quality!
Your move-ins are our milestones.
Your homes are our legacy.
Thank you for your business and your friendship.